Our Program » Governing Council

Governing Council

Notice of Governing Board Meetings
All Governing Board meetings will take place on Zoom from 6-7pm on the second Thursday of the month (unless otherwise indicated on the calendar below).  
Governing Board Meetings can also be accessed using the following code at zoom.com: 645 320 0103
Meeting Dates & Link to Agendas, Materials, and Webcast Recordings 24-25 School Year
Statement on Rolling/Walking Quorum
There may be occasions such as community events, school functions, or board training where a quorum of the board is present. No business will be discussed during these occasions.
Public Forum Participation
To participate in the Public Forum portion of the meeting, please submit your comment using this form by 3pm the day of the meeting.
*2 minutes of the comment will be read. 
*1 entry per person
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THRIVE Community School Governing Board
Randi Valverde (Chair)
Nora Geiss (Vice-Chair)
Brian Crider (Treasurer)
Ellen Moore (Secretary)
Jose Lopez
Donald Walcott